Membership fees for the 2024-25 season are $40, and can be paid by cheque, cash or E-transfer. Membership fees include membership in the Cranbrook Seniors Association. Pay in person at a business meeting or click here for E-transfer instructions. Please pay by Nov. 14.
The quild has used the Cranbrook Seniors Hall since its inception 35 years ago. We’re not “seniors who quilt,” we are “creators of any age who design traditional, modern or art quilt pieces.” The Seniors Hall space is convenient for meetings and workshops. We each pay a yearly membership fee and by being members of the Seniors Association (no “age requirement”), we can use the space at a reduced rental cost, plus store our library and other resources, making them accessible to members outside of meeting times.
Why join the Cranbrook Quilters’ Guild?
Here is one member's opinion:
I want to be part of the guild to:
- learn from others and know who to ask for help when I need it - there is so much expertise within the group!
- be inspired to try new things
- have some accountability or motivation to work on projects (e.g. I signed up for the PHD program and it was just what I needed to get some projects done)
- meet and build connections with people outside my usual personal/work spheres
- feel part of something bigger within the community
- encourage others
- participate in programs
Click on the following links for details:
Membership Benefits and Commitments
Constitution and Bylaws: page 1 and page 2
Guild Badge Patterns: paper-pieced and appliqué